Blog Entry Wins Third Place

I’m celebrating a third place contest win for the personal blog, “Confess Already: The Power of Disclosure in Writing”!

The win was judged by the 2023 New Mexico Press Women (NMPW) Communications Contest, the largest inclusive media organization in New Mexico. 

I submitted this blog because I got to practice some of my favorite things, including the integration of metaphors, family narrative, scientific evidence, and unresolved resolution. 

While I am certain the blog could still use some revision, I’m glad I submitted it to the contest and am grateful for the award.

The content attracts those who are interested in writing as a healing modality. The metaphors about confession invite readers to grapple with the complexity of confession; in the end, the blog encourages readers to see the power of confession to liberate the silences in one’s life and to bring about emotional benefits.

You can read the full blog here.