What Brings You Pleasure?

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What do you take pleasure in? How have you transformed? Tell us in the comments 👇.

Maybe you enjoy the peanut butter and jelly aisle, whenever someone says “rose water,” or when someone asks a really good question? Or maybe it’s the moonbeam on your mattress last night, a freshly baked scone, or a new pair of panties?

Or Is it in, as Anais Nin shares, in your own evolution–from one woman to another or one woman who takes pieces of herself and keeps coming up with some new version of herself? Or a woman who looks recognizable to outsiders (as someone they can understand), but inside is an eclectic composite of many selves (not tied in a neat bow for others to figure out)?

I have been a Jessie, a Jehoshaphat, a Marge, a Maggie, a Brophy, a priss, a know-it-all, a doctor, a darling.

I have known transformations–from a compliant daughter to the clan’s pattern-breaker; from a woman who self-loathed her face to a sensuous woman who loves herself with and without makeup; a late bloomer to a blooming mother; an abused wife to a bad-ass partner; a stiff poetry writer to a spilling out journaler; a fierce single mom to an energized co-parent.

And to know, I will keep changing and birthing new things, that brings me delight. Self-transformations, Anais Nin? I am in awe of those.

Name what brings you delight below or name one of your transformations below 👇 !