Shedding old stories

What stories do you tell yourself? Do they serve you in some positive way?

Before I transformed self hate into self love, I told myself a story that I wasn’t beautiful. This message eventually rang false, and I let go of that story.

Before I knew my parents were doing the best they could, I told myself I was wounded. I eventually was tired of being a split person reduced to only two sides (wounded by parents or hopeful I would be loved the way I needed to be), and I let this old story go.

Before I realized I created the deep and beautiful roots of my own story, I didn’t set personal or emotional boundaries. Now I know how and this is part of my reinvented story.

What stories can you let go of? What stories can you add?

Here’s a “Captured Moment” journaling tool share to add a story of success to your memory:

“I still remember the pride I felt when I came in second in the 5th grade Reading Olympics. It felt great because I wanted it (an actual reward for reading!) from the inside out. What is an inside-out success (tiny or huge) you’ve savored? Write its story in 7 – 10 minutes. Read back and reflect. 

Prompt taken from the Journal to the Self card deck by Kathleen Adams.