Journaling Tool Share: Inner Wisdom

Dear creative women, What do you hear when your inner wisdom talks to you? Do you want to have a conversation with your inner wisdom? Maybe it’s what you know as the still, small voice; your Higher Self or Power; a religious/spiritual teacher; an angel or guide.

Ask questions from your heart: What is the purpose of . . . ? or How can I most deeply connect with . . . ? or What do I need to know about . . . ?

Treat it as a written meditation; there may be spaces between words; you may want to paint or draw or collage rather than write the dialogue. Give yourself time to get calm and be still. This will bring clarity and time to exit and enter gracefully as you listen to your heart.

When I did this journaling prompt this morning, I asked myself: “How can I most deeply connect with others?” The answer I received was through my creativity! It was a relief and felt really true to my core self. My inner wisdom also transmuted a few affirmations to me that I transcribed”❤️🧭: My creativity means I am energized; in communion with my core self; trusting of the present; and open to love

Prompt taken from Journal to the Self card deck by Kathleen Adams.